Programming ASP.NET web pages
Tips on Programming.
- Always remember to give meaningful names to your variables. For simple loop counters you can use ¨i¨, but for loopcount probably describes the purpose of the variable better.
- Don't be afraid to mess anything up. Keep working until the code does what you want to do it. The best way to learn something is by actually doing it.
- When writing functions and subroutines try to minimize the number of lines of code.
- When writing comments in your code. describe the general purpose of the code instead of explaining obvious statements.
Some definitions:
- Class: A blueprint for objects in a programming language.
- Collection: Data type that is capable of holding multiple objects at the same time.
- Encapsulation: Hiding the inner working and data of a class to the outside world in order to protect data.
- instantiating: Process of creating a new object based on a type.
- Method: like brake for a car.
- Namespace: a way to structure a class and other types in a hierchical manner.
- Object Orientation: Popular style of programming where the software is modeled as set of objects.
- Overriding: Redifining the behavior in a child class.
- Property: Characteristic of an object.
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